Monday, May 24, 2010

I commented on :

Michael and Aaron's

Katelyn Abraham's

Hannah Head's

Shelby Leckrone's

Miles's and Arron's

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This year I have had a lot of good times and bad times. In this essay I will tell you just some of them. Seventh grade has been the second best year ever the best year though was sixth grade. This year has been one of the most interesting ones. My highs are making the basketball team, getting my new fish tank and new fish, and the school year almost being over. My lows are my fish dying, having a lot of homework, and the last one is getting third place in our basketball tournament.

This is my first high and it is about fish. This year I got a new fish tank and five new fish. I love fish they make me happy. I have always wanted fish but I haven't gotten them until this year. For Christmas I got a beta , but it died a month ago. since it died I decided to get different fish because i didn't like that fish to much. Now I have guppies and swordtail fish.

My second high is the school year almost being over. This school year has gone by really fast. It has been one of the hardest though. I have worked as hard as I can to finish it. There has been a lot of really hard projects and some really easy ones. I am just glad its just about over. I know that eighth grade is going to be the hardest and I don't want to go. I want it to be summer forever.

My third high is making the basketball team. I worked really hard to make it. I would practice for hours everyday. Last year I didn't try out, but this year I did and I made it. I love basketball and I always play it. Playing on the team was really fun so now I will always try out for it. These are all of the highs in this essay.

Now for my first low, my fish died. My fish was named Elf and it was the best fish ever. Even though I have more fish now I still liked that one the best. Although the fish I have now are pretty awesome. The fish I had was a beta one of most beautiful fish in the world. It was all different colors and the light reflected off of it and made it look amazing. In my opinion Elf was the best fish ever.

And now for the worst one homework. I hate homework and all of the teachers always load us with it. I don't know why I have to have it I do enough of it in class. I wish I never had it its so boring and pointless. I think that they would give us time in class to do it instead of having to take it home. Even though I try my best at it I wish I didn't have it. That is the worst one but not the last one.

I hated getting third place in our tournament. With all of the hard work that we put in through out the whole season really made me mad. The first game we played we lost. But we won the a lot of them after that. The next day we had to win a lot of games in a row to stay in. We did that until we played Casa. At that game we lost by one and were eliminated.

These are all of my good times and bad times of this year. Some of them were really fun and I liked them. Some of them were terrible and I hated them. Overall I had a good year and it was fun. The main thing I hated was homework. So during my seventh grade these are just some of my good and bad times. Now I am ready for eighth grade.

My 7th Grade Year

My seventh grade year was so much. It was full of up and downs. My first part of school I was at New Braunfels Middle School then later transferred back to NBCA. I didn't think NBMS was right for me. I was really really nervous and excited when I first started but later, got use to it. I just didn't think it was good for me. Now I am going to tell you all about the moments that were great and the moments that were terrible.

I am going to start with my lows. My first low was fainting on the third day of school. I was at my new school NBMS. I was really looking forward in something new. It was a change and a change I was excited about. I have a past with fainting I have fainted three times before this time. When I fainted it was during football practice. I was really embarrassed and thought everybody would make fun of me. Instead, people gave me a lot attention and were really nice to me. They made sure I was okay and worried about me. Once that was over I felt comfortable with everyone and I liked it. I ended up leaving though cause I felt like it wasn't good for me.

My second low was that I failed the third quarter in Math. I was really disappointed and mad at myself. I knew I could have tried harder and I just failed to succeed the expectations that were put on me. I really could have done better and I realize that. I made sure I did better and now I am passing with a B. That isn't amazing but it is pretty good for me. I am now proud of myself and understanding it perfectly.

My last low is losing in the playoffs during basketball season. Our season was really good and we were looking to do good in the post season. Unfortunately, we lost in the semi-finals by one point. It was one of the saddest moments in my life. What really got me mad was that we had a really good chance of winning it. We also had a really good coach. All around we just had a good team. I always wish I could go back and do it again with the same team.

Those would have to be my biggest lows of this year. Now, I am going to tell you about my highs. The greatest times of this year. The first high was when I scored a touchdown at NBMS. It was our third game I think and we were playing against Smithson Valley. The best football team in our district. They were ginormous! I played wide receiver. It was my favorite position. The pass was a short one but once I caught it I ran all the way to the end zone. I was really excited that I scored because I was the first wide receiver to score, and the only one.

My second high was coming back to NBCA! Even though I liked Nb I really felt like I needed to come back. My family prayed about it and after days of prayer and discussion we decided to get me back into Christian Academy. I really missed all my friends and wanted to get back to a christian environment. I think it was worth it though. This year has been fun and although I wish I could go back, I'm happy with how I am. It was a really good decision I think.

My third high was making it on the Nb Ice. They are an eight grade select basketball team that is pretty good. I know with play against older kids I will get better in the future. I was so happy when they asked me to play with them. Finally my hard work payed off. I know what a great honor it was for them to ask me. I like the players, coaches and the parents. They have all been real supportive towards me and that makes me feel good. I look to continue getting better and playing with them.

Those were my three lows and three highs. Thinking over this year I want to thank God for giving the ability to do all of this. I know he has been with me in all my tough decisions. I also want to thank my parents for praying for me paying all the expences I caused them to pay. This has really been a year of me becoming more mature and thinking twice before doing stuff. I want to be a leader not a follower and I know this seventh grade year has helped. I am looking forward to the next year hope it is just as good or better then this year.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Me and Hunter really like basketball. It is our favorite sport by far! We play a lot of it too. I am on two teams right now and Hunter is on one. We really enjoy everything about it. Me and Hunter can score, pass, rebound, and defend. When you put us together we are unstoppable.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Thursday, May 13, 2010

napoleon-dynamite.jpgOnce upon time there was two best friends named napolean and Pedro. Pedro had just moved there so Napolean became friends with him. Napolean was pedros only friend and pedro was napoleans only friend. Pedro wanted to become popular so he ran for president. They started putting posters everywhere to get people to vote. While napolean put up the posters pedro started making his speech. They both started thinking about the skit that they had to do.

The next day when everyone came back to school everyone saw the posters. When Katelyn saw this she became furious and started running for president too. She got some of her friends and they also started making posters to put up. Katelyn spent a lot of time on her speech, but it was terrible. She through it away and started over hoping that she could write something better this time. When she was done it was amazing and Pedros would have to be really good to beat her's. The one thing that would hold her back is that she didnt have a skit.

Both of them started going around handing out buttons and saying,"vote for me". They were so excited because the elections

were coming up. Pedro rehearsed his speech over and over again until he got it perfect. There was still two weeks until elections

and Kateyln said that she would bring change to everything,but she never said what she was going to change. Pedro said That

he would let the students change what they wanted and they liked that more. They did this everyday and then finally there was only

one week left. They were both extremely excited and couldn't wait any longer.

Finally it was the day of the elections! Pedro wore his best suit and Katelyn her best dress. When the day was over they went

to the gym to get ready. At five o'clock they started Kateyln went first and her speech was great. After it was over she did her skit

she rode around on a unicycle while juggling sticks on fire. Pedro was up next his was perfect everyone loved it. His skit was next

and it was going to awsome. Everyone waited patiently for something to happen.

Then Napolean came out and just stood there. The music started and he started dancing everyone started going crazy. And

Katelyn hung her head in shame. She lost. After the votes were counted pedro won by five hundred. Pedro got what he wanted

he became popular and everyone loved him as president. Katelyn became a loser and Pedro was popular forever.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs? Miles, Aaron, Mia, Hannah, Audrey, Michael, and Katelyn have pictures of themselves on their blogs.

2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog? Kristin wrote this quote above.

3. Who learned contemporary dance this year? Hannah learned contemporary dance this year.

4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words? Shelby wrote the quote above

5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite? There is eight polls that have been posted. The one that asks my favorite color is my favorite.